• Johannesburg

    Transportation House, No 1 Raikes Road, Braamfontein, 2001

  • 0800 004 826

    06:00 to 18:00 (Mon - Friday)

    06:00 to 18:00 (Saturday)

    Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

  • customer.serv@mbus.joburg.org.za

    Talk to us

Metrobus was incorporated in 2000 and is a wholly owned Municipal Entity of the City of Joburg. The City appointed Metrobus in terms of the Service Delivery Agreement to provide bus transport services to the residents of Johannesburg.

In pursuit of the Service Delivery Agreement and the strategic guidepost set by the City, Metrobus vision isTo be a people centered, performance driven provider of an efficient conventional bus service within the Integrated Public Transport Network,which will be achieved through our mission to promote accessible, safe, affordable, reliable and environmentally friendly mobility through an efficient and sustainable bus service