• Johannesburg

    Transportation House, No 1 Raikes Road, Braamfontein, 2001

  • 0800 004 826

    06:00 to 18:00 (Mon - Friday)

    06:00 to 18:00 (Saturday)

    Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays

  • customer.serv@mbus.joburg.org.za

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Customers FAQ’s

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When is Metrobus going Cashless?

Effective from 1 October 2024, services of Metrobus will be offered on a noncash basis..

What does going Cashless mean in practice?

Commuters will not be able to use cash to purchase our services. No cash will be accepted when bus tags are purchased or filled. No cash will be accepted on our buses..

What is the benefit of going cashless.?

A cashless environment is beneficial to both commuters and metrobus. Bus operators will be safe from all the hazards of handling cash while commuters will enjoy a safer environment where bus operators will concentrate on the main purpose of their jobs which is to transport commuters safely.
The purchase of bus tags will be significantly reduced to allow all commuters to purchase tags. In a world where we have experienced the devastation of communicable disease, this new way of doing business ensures that proper health protocols are observed for the health and safety of both our commuters and bus operators.

Can a commuter insist on still using cash to purchase metrobus services or pay on the bus?

Effective on 1 October this will not be possible. The current Municipal By-Law requires that all commuters pay for transport services in the manner prescribed by the service provider. Fare evasion is an offence.

Where will commuters be able to purchase metrobus tags?

Metrobus currently has five sales outlets where commuters are able to purchase and fill bus tags. Before the commencement of the Cashless operations, commuters will be advised of five more outlets where Metrobus services can be purchased.

Will this new way of doing business improve the services of Metrobus?

This new way of doing business will ensure that Metrobus has accurate information on the numbers and location of all our commuters, and this will enable Metrobus to deploy resources in a better manner to ensure that limited resources are allocated more efficiently. This information will also ensure that requests for additional funding to purchase and repair buses is accurate.